Ready To Take
the Next Steps?

We want to get to know you. Step 1 is about you connecting with us and giving us an opportunity to connect with you. That always happens best over coffee or a meal. Please take time to connect with our Pastor following service or fill out a welcome home card and check the box, “I would like to talk to a pastor.” Make sure to leave a cell number so we can connect and set up a time to visit. Helping you become a disciple making disciple is why Harvest exists (Matthew 28:18-20), let’s start that journey together today!

Step 2 is a great way to learn more about Harvest and how we are working to follow Jesus and the mission He has given us. This class happens on the third weekend of every month, please let us know if you are interested in attending. At Step 2 you’ll also learn about how to become a committed part of our Harvest family and how to continue growing in your relationship with God and with others in our church. We will walk through our “ Discovery Method Bible Study,” which will give you an idea of how LifeGroups work, and we will answer any questions that you might have. Our goal is to help you see what it means to, Follow Jesus, be Changed by Jesus, and Commit to the mission of Jesus (Matthew 4:19).

Step 3 happens when you let us know that you are ready to commit to the mission of making disciples and you join a LifeGroup and a Ministry Team. This step is about making a commitment to grow spiritually, serve unselfishly, and to accept Biblical accountability willingly.